Linking an Azure Account

Linking an Azure Account

To Link an Azure account to ZEN Master, follow the procedure described in the Documentation tab.

The configuration process involves the following steps:

  1. Create an Azure Subscription – create a subscription for Microsoft Azure and copy your Subscription ID to the clipboard.
  2. In ZEN Master go to Configuration > Microsoft Azure.
  3. In Documentation tab, in the Subscription ID field, enter you Azure subscription ID.
  4. Verify that the New Account radio button is selected (default).
  5. Run PowerShell script – run the PowerShell script shown in the instructions section. Once you have entered your Subscription ID, this is automatically embedded in the script.
  6. Nvidia license – run the PowerShell commands to access the Nvidia license and accept its terms.
  7. Create AD app and service principal – follow the steps described in the linked article to create an AD application and service principal. This will generate the following parameters which will be used to link ZEN Master to your Azure account.
    • Directory/Tenant ID
    • Application ID
    • Authentication Key
  8. Link ZEN Master account - to link your ZEN Master account to Azure:
    1. Click + Add Account at the top of the page.
    2. Fill in the fields using the parameters that you generated in your Azure account.
    3. Click Save.
      Your Azure Account is now linked to ZEN Master and can be used for managed Broadcaster clusters.
  9. Create a Virtual Network – in order to be able to create an Azure cluster on ZEN Master, you need to first create a virtual network in your Azure account via the Azure portal.