Viewing the Graphs for Multiple Resources

One of the great benefits of the Insights feature is being able to view the graphs of multiple resources of the same type at once on the same graph, allowing seamless comparison and easy identification of outliers. For example, selecting multiple Sources and viewing the Packet Loss % graph can reveal that multiple sources are experiencing high packet loss levels at the same period of time. In this manner you can easily understand that there is a problem that occurred at the same time, which is shared across multiple resources (and not just a local problem with one source) and at the same time you can view that other Sources were not affected by the issue.

To view graphs for multiple resources:

  1. On the main resource screen (i.e., Sources, Broadcasters, or Targets), select multiple resources. It is possible to select all resources on the list by selecting the top checkbox.

  2. Click Insights.

    The Insights pane is displayed. All graphs display the selected resources across the same time range (by default it is the last 7 days). The times displayed refer to the local browser time. Each resource is represented by a different color. This allows you to easily view what occurred to the various resources at the same time across different measurements/graphs.

  3. Hover your mouse over the graph to view the value for each resource.

  4. To focus on a specific time range within the graph, select the time range using your mouse.

    The graph displays the selected time range and the specific time range is displayed in the time range filter.