Change Tracking displays the history of changes that were made to the object configuration. The feature is available for ZECs, Broadcasters/Clusters, Sources, Channels, and most Target types.
To view the change tracking:
- After selecting the relevant object, click the Change Tracking tab.

- The list includes entries for all the changes that were made by a user. If multiple changes were made at once, these will appear as a list:
- Modified by – the user that made the change.
- Date/Time – the date and time of the change.
- Change – the name of the setting that was modified.
- Previous Value – the value of the setting before the change.
- Updated Value - the value of the setting after the change.
To revert a specific change:
- Click Revert on the specific change.

The revert itself is added as a change in the Change Tracking.
To revert a batch of changes:
- Click Revert All on the specific batch of changes.

The revert itself is added as a change in the Change Tracking.