Viewing Map Display
Viewing Map Display
- Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
- Alon Men
- Tim Baldwin
Owned by Eli Pielet (Writec) (Unlicensed)
The following Elements are shown on the Maps screen:
- Resource Markers - A pin shaped marker is shown for each resource (Feeder, Broadcaster and Receiver) at its geographical position. The resource's state is indicated by the color of the marker. Hover over a marker to show its name. Click on a marker to show its details.
- Source/Target Markers- A round marker is shown for each Source and Target at its geographical position. The object's state is indicated by the color of the marker. Hover over a marker to show its name. Click on a marker to show its details.
- Marker Clusters - When several markers are positioned in close geographical proximity, the markers are grouped together as a single Marker Cluster. The Marker shows the number of resources at that location, broken down by status. Marker Clusters are automatically grouped/ungrouped as you zoom in and out on the display. You can also manually ungroup all clusters by clicking on the Uncluster button.
- Connections - A connecting line shows data transfer between objects. The color indicates the connection status and the moving dash indicates the direction of data flow.
- Search Box - Enter search text to search for an object by name or Tag. Select the desired object from the dropdown list to zoom in on it in the map display.
- Action Buttons - Adjust the Map display using the following buttons:
- Move Markers - enable moving of marker positions.
- Edit - open the Map configuration for editing.
- Clone - clone the displayed Map, i.e. create a new Map with a similar configuration.
- Color by - specify whether object colors indicate status or health score.
- Export - download the data that is currently displayed, as an Excel file.
- Legend - show the legend for understanding Map markings.
- Refresh - refresh the map display.
- Expand/Contract - expand to full screen view.
- Cluster/Uncluster - clusters Markers in close geographical proximity as a single Marker.
- Recenter - automatically reset the automatic Map centering.
- Layer Selection - select the background display (Street, Topographic, Dark or Light) and select which layers are displayed.
Show Unsaved Markers - open a side pane showing all markers that haven't yet been positioned.
This pane only shows markers for which the position hasn't been identified. Markers that were automatically positioned based on IP aren't shown in this list. Also, once a marker has been manually positioned, it is removed from the list.