A color coded tile indicates the status of each element included in the Grid (red indicates error state, orange for warning state, green for good state and gray for pending/disabled). The tile includes the name, type of object and its current state. Depending on how the Grid was configured, it may contain additional information about the performance of the object (e.g. bitrate, TR101 Status, RAM, health score etc.) The display settings (e.g. display density, sorting method (name or status) and cycling through pages) are configured for each Grid as part of the initial Grid configuration. If automatic cycling through pages was activated then the user is able to pause/restart the cycling as well as to adjust the interval time.
The Header bar contains controls that enable you to:
- Toggle between Grid and Table views
- Edit
- Clone
- Filter
- Fit to screen
- Download Excel file
- Refresh
- Expand to full screen mode