Event Profile Tuning

Event Profile Tuning

A common approach to alert tuning is to first use a clone of the ‘Default’ Event Profile when initially testing and configuring ZEN Master workflows. Observing streams within the production environment, with production encoders, real-world networks, and transport stream, can assist in the fine-tuning of the Event Profile.

Specific changes are often subjective and can change from production to production based on different requirements. However, the following best practices may apply in many cases:

  • Increasing the escalation count or extending time windows where a continually flapping issue is known and understood, awaiting resolution at a later time.

  • Disabling rules where known states do not impact the final video playback in a particular environment or player, such as the Audio Clipping, or TR101 Table rules.

  • Disabling freeze frame alerts for live event workflows here slated content is expected.

  • Adjusting CPU or GPU thresholds to give more accurate headroom warnings based on workflow specific benchmarking tests