Uninstalling AgentZ

Uninstalling AgentZ

It is vital to uninstall AgentZ if you are uninstalling and /or migrating a Zixi Broadcaster to a new machine. It is necessary to ensure that the original AgentZ software does not continue to report, while simultaneously preventing an AgentZ on the new Broadcaster from connecting and correctly reporting to ZEN Master.

To uninstall AgentZ:

  1. As a Root user, run the following command to stop the service:

    systemctl stop agentz.service
  2. Run the following commands:

    systemctl disable agentz.service rm /lib/systemd/system/agentz.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl reset-failed

To confirm the AgentZ is no longer reporting:

  1. From the Zen Master User Interface, go to the relevant Broadcaster details screen.

  2. In the AgentZ status, make sure the status is: ‘Not Reporting’.

 Agent Z is now uninstalled. Any further Broadcaster migration work can be completed with the knowledge that the correct AgentZ is connecting to ZEN Master.


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