Demuxing an MPTS Stream

Demuxing an MPTS Stream

MPTS (Multi Program Transport Streams) streams can be demuxed into single SPTS (Single Program Transport Streams) streams. MPTS demuxing is available for Pull, Push, UDP, and File input streams. From the various programs in the MPTS stream, you can select specific programs, which will be turned into induvial SPTS input streams. 

To demux an MPTS stream:

  1. Create a Pull/Push/UDP/File input stream using an MPTS stream.
  2. In the Inputs page, click the newly created input stream that you want to demux.
  3. Click the action button on the right end of the selected row and then Edit.
    The Edit input stream name window is displayed.
  4. Select the Demux MPTS checkbox.
    A list of included programs is displayed:
  5. Click Add Program on the program that you want to create a separate SPTS input stream.
    An Add Input screen opens with the new SPTS input details, including a suggested Stream ID, the original MPTS as a Source Stream and the relevant Program number.
  6. In the Max Bitrate field, specify the maximum bitrate of the stream. This is used for internal memory allocation and will not affect the transmitted bitrate. Recommended: double the bitrate of the highest bitrate stream.
  7. Configure additional parameters as necessary.
  8. Click OK.
    The channel is assigned an input:
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 to add more programs.
  10. Click OK.
    The newly created MPTS input stream and the related SPTS input streams will appear in the Inputs list. 


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