Downloading and Extracting the Installation File - Linux

All Zixi software covered by your license agreement is available for download on your Zixi Customer Portal. You can either download the files directly to your local machine or you can use a CLI command to install it on a remote server. The procedures for downloading and extracting all Zixi products (Broadcaster and ZEC) are identical.

Make sure you are logged in as a Root user. If you are not logged in as a Root user, use the "su" command.

To download and extract the relevant file:

  1. Access the Zixi Customer Portal at
  2. Log in using your Username and Password.
  3. In the Main Navigation, click Software.
  4. At the top of the Software screen, click on the button of the product that you would like to install.

    The available software versions for the selected product (which are available for your account) are displayed.
  5. Click on the box of the version that you would like to install.
    The download options for the selected version are displayed.
  6. Create a Zixi folder and change to that directory by typing the following commands in the Linux console:

    # mkdir /zixi
    # cd /zixi
  7. Download the installation file using a “wget” command by clicking on the Linux >_CLI The complete “wget” CLI command is shown, containing all of the required information about the installation file for the selected product version.

  8. Copy the “wget” and execute it in the Linux console.

    Alternatively, you can download the installation file by clicking on the Linux Download button or by executing the “curl” command.

  9. Extract the installation file by typing the following command:

    # tar -xvf <zixi_product>-<version_number>.tar.gz# 
  10. Go to the newly created folder.

  11. Execute the installer:

    # ./
  12. Following the installation process, you can access the Zixi product through your web browser (e.g., to access Zixi Broadcaster, go to <IP address>:<4444>.

    Zixi Broadcaster/ZEC requires certain ports to be opened for management via the UI and for receiving video streams and sending video streams. Please adjust your firewall settings in firewall, I-tables, or any other firewall software you are using according to the port lists shown on Network Port Settings.

Following the completion of the installation, proceed to Activating the License.