This input creates a file input for the Zixi Broadcaster from a local or mounted disk and subsequently streams it to the end-user.


Stream Parameters


Type the local or mounted (Linux) disk or click the adjacent browse button to select the desired one.

The suffix .ts indicates a transmitted stream.

Enable time shift

Select this checkbox to record the stream content and broadcast it after a specified delay. To deploy an input stream that uses the current stream's time shift, you need to configure a "Delayed" input stream. (See Adding Delayed Streams).

Maximum delay [hh:mm:ss] (for Time Shift enabled)

Specify the maximum time delay of this input.

Enable multicast on pull outputs

Select this checkbox to enable the transmission of this stream’s outputs as multicast. A Zixi receiver that will pull the stream will receive it in multicast. By default, Zixi Broadcaster is configured to allow transparent fallback to unicast if it is out of the LAN. Requires enabling Multicast Pull in the Settings.

Multicast Only (for Multicast enabled)

If desired, specify force multicast-only outputs. A Zixi receiver will receive it in multicast (unless it is out of the LAN in which case it will relay in as unicast). You can also force Multicast only outputs.

Enable Encryption

Select this checkbox to encrypt the Input stream. For more information, see Encrypting an Input Stream in Zixi Broadcaster.

Encryption type (for Encryption enabled)

Specify the type of Encryption (AES 128/192/256).

Encryption key (for encryption enabled)

Click Generate to generate an encryption key. The generated encryption key must be sent to the end-user to decipher the received encoded stream.
